Department Manual | Standard Operating Procedures

204 - Tactical Operations

204.1 Barricaded Suspects


204.2 Hostage Situation

Hostage Situations are volatile and therefore we aim to make the most informed decisions as Police Officers to diffuse the situation.

203.21 Prior to Negotiation

Before negotiation can commence, you must do the following:

203.22 Negotiations

Negotiation Regulations:

Negotiation Procedure:

204.3 Close Quarters Combat

204.21 Communication and Terminology

204.21 Room Clearance

"Slice the Pie" is a technique used to visually clear the majority of a room prior to entering, by shifting angles around the doorway - keeping maximum concealment of yourself but revealing the presence of any suspects in the room.

Officers in a stack enter and push into a room to the opposite side of the door they were stacked on.

Each Officer has a "cone of vision" approximately 170 degrees to their front, good room clearance ensures that as a collective, a unit of Police Officers has 360 degree coverage at all times during a breach.