Department Manual | Standard Operating Procedures

101 - Department Organisation

101.1 Chain Of Command

Following Chain of Command is critical to a smooth and successful running and well kept department. Therefore, for the Police Department to run to the best of its ability, Chain of Command must be followed at all times, without exception.
All Officers must know their responsibilities and carry them out in their entirety. 

101.11 Department Rank Structure

101.2 Rank Responsibility

101.21 Command Administration

101.22 Patrol Command

101.23 Supervisory

101.24 Senior Officers

101.25 Officers

101.26 Officers in Training

101.3 Department Structure

101.31 Agencies:

“Law Enforcement” as a department encompasses 3 different agencies that all Law Enforcement Officers belong to. Assets (referring to fleet, uniform and equipment) of each agency are to be used in their respective jurisdictions dependant on current Area of Play (AOP). 

There must always be a 2:1 Ratio of Local Police to Highway

(2 Local Officers per 1 Highway Patrol Officer)

101.32 Divisions

Department Personelle is divided into Divisions A, B, C and D. Each division is overseen by a leading Sergeant, who will be their Divisions go to 'point of contact' regarding LOA/ ROA, Progression and various advice, however all officers report to any supervisor in day to day patrol activities. Officers are assigned a Division upon promotion to Police Officer 1 when the responsibility of their oversight is handed from the Training Bureau to the Supervisors.

101.33 Sub-Divisions

Information regarding the Departments Divisions can be found here.

Each division has a respective "Commanding Officer", which oversee the development of the Division and any and all internal functions, these may include but are not limited to: promotions, demotions, application review and training.


101.4 Identifier Structure

101.41 Rank Indicator

Callsign Prefix indicate Rank when active as a standard patrol officer.
These go as follows:

101.32 Active Subdivision Indicator

The rank indicating letter of you callsign will change a different corresponding letter when active as each subdivision, these are given below:

When active as a standard patrol officer, you will use the corresponding rank indicating letters for your callsign.

101.33 Badge Number

Badge Numbers a randomly generated 5 digit numbers that are assigned upon acception to Police at the rank 'Recruit', your badge number always remains the same as is just another means of identifying officers aside Name and Call-Signs.