What to Expect

What is Dorkly Effective Latin?

Magistra Parmasan Cheese teaches Latin through the Comprehensible Input Method, proposed by Stephen Krashen in central Virginia, USA. Any student in Magistra PC's Latin class will tell you, she is 100% dorky, but that her dorkiness makes the class effective nonetheless. Therefore, in order to help improve her own spoken Latin abilities, and help others learn some Latin, Magistra PC combined her two hobbies: Latin and playing The Sims.

Magistra PC plays the The Sims 4 by EA in her videos. Magistra PC started playing The Sims at a young age and has seen the game change from the original to its current platform. While she does not play it as much as she used to, hopefully Simulatio will give her more of an excuse to play The Sims.

What can you expect from Dorkly Effective Latin?

  • Bi-Weekly student-friendly videos about modern daily life in Latin, demonstrated by the Sims.

  • Genuine, loosely scripted, natural Latin. You will hear "um's," "sed" and "et" while Magistra PC finds the right words.

  • Teacher resources as videos are used in Magistra PC's class or others.

  • Certamen Resources available for any Latin teacher, Latin student, or person to use!

  • General Resources for different abilities, whether to do with sight, audio, or legibility.

Will Sims and Lots in episodes be shared on the Sims Forum?

  • Currently that is not in the works. After a successful run (a few months or so), content may start to appear in the Sims Forum, but do not hold your breath.

Why is The Sims collection called "Simulatio?"

  • The Sims is an abbreviation for "simulation," which is rather close to the Latin word it derives from. While Simulatio is singular, Magistra PC is offering a simulation of Latin in modern-day life.

Where do you learn the Neo-Latin words?

  • If Magistra PC doesn't know a word, especially those neo-Latin ones, she'll either ask a friend or colleague, or check one of the following online dictionaries: Numen or Silva.

How did the name Magistra Parmasan Cheese come about?

  • It may bother some people that Parmasan is spelled incorrectly; however, for Magistra PC, it is not. Magistra's English surname translates into parma in Latin. One day, in the fall of 2019, a student shouted out, "It sounds like Parmesan cheese!" after learning the Latin word for Magistra PC's English surname. Therefore, it is spelled with an "a" because it is a pun on the Latin word, parma.

  • It also works out nicely, because abbreviated it becomes Magistra PC, which is the platform used to play The Sims in the videos.