Watch Sims videos recorded and narrated by Magistra Parmasan Cheese in Latin!

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Visne plurem linguam Latinam audire? / Do you want more Latin to listen to?

Check out the following podcasts to listen while you walk, work, or whatever!

Quid Es Tu? (Novice Level)

    • Amici Magistrique, Iosephus et Lebbaeus partem vocabulorum agiunt. Saepe Lebbaeus partem agit, sed quoque Iosephus partem aget et Lebbaeus quaestiones rogabit.

    • Friends and teachers, Joe and Levi take on roles of vocabulary words. Often Levi plays the part, but Joe will also take a turn playing while Levi asks the questions.

Secunda Mensa (Intermediate Level)

    • De cibis, coquendo, et rebus culinariis Catherina et Timotheus colloquiuntur.

    • Catherine and Tim talk about food, cooking, and culinary things!

      • Magistra PC is a guest on the 25th episode!

Quomodo Dicitur? (Advanced Level)

    • Tres amici, qui non sunt Romani, de omnibus et aliquibus colloquiuntur.

    • Three friends, who are not Romans, talk about anything and everything.

Legio XIII (Advanced Level)

    • Magister Divus Craft et Scorpio Martianus acroama Latinum habent, in quo de Latine colloquiuntur.

    • Latin YouTubers, Magister Craft and Scorpio Martianus have a Latin podcast, in which they talking about Latin.