School Anthem 

Crest & Motto

School Anthem


Life is the gift of God

Each day that we live

At work or in the field

Enjoy as we please

Glory, alma mater

Vita donum dei….///

Life is the gift of God.


We’ve learned to cherish friends

Embrace them all the time

Forgive our enemies

And love them all alike

There’s no difference

‘cos love - a gift of God


The past we leave behind

Press towards the goal

Look at what's ahead

Obey the upward call

The faith is our key

‘cos faith - a gift of God


When upon life billows

We are tempest-tossed

We can fight them through

Every step of our way

Stand up, stand up, stand up and smile

Life is the gift of God.

Description of School Anthem

 The lyrics of the School Song were written by Dr. Ramal Coorey and music was composed by veteran musician and singer Ivor Dennis.  The school Anthem is based on Christian principles, Vita donum dei, which translated means “The life is the gift of God” (Roman 6:23), “ The faith is a gift of God” (Ephesians 2:8) and   “ The love is a gift of God” (John 4:7).

Description of Crest 

The elements of school Crest are based on the Words of our Lord Jesus Christ according to St. John 16:33, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” The ring of thorns depicts the obstacles or troubles that we face in life. The cross symbolizes that our foundations are based on Christian values.  Yellow background symbolizes the peace that Christ gives through Holy Spirit, who is our comforter and counselor. Symbols of two children represents all children of Donum Dei International school.  The stars represent the life’s goal.

Description of Motto 

 The Motto of Donum Dei International School, has the Latin phrase ‘Per aspera ad astra’ which translated means “through adversity to the stars.”  Life is a journey, adversity or obstacles come frequently which blocks the path forward. Often it forces humanity to generate more strength, more energy to go forward and to achieve the final goal.