I have a large variety of hobbies and interests, here are just a few of them...

3D Modelling

I have been CAD modelling since 2002.

I use Solidworks, Blender, Sketchup, TinkerCAD and many others.

3D Printing

I have been 3D printing at work for many years now. I use a Markforged Onyx One, for CNC fixtures and tooling.

At home I have a 3d printing workshop. I print small components by request.

see my 3D printing


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I enjoy looking at the night sky with my kids. The sky is a lot clearer out here, an hour away from the city.

see more


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Ramp Construction

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In 1994 I won gold at my first competition. Later that year I got a silver at the SA national championships.

I trained four days a week for over five years, with sensei Jan Olivier.

After moving up to Boksburg, I started training with sensei Stewart Braybrooke.

I won gold at the 2011 eastern gauteng championships, and got bronze at the central gauteng championships.

Games & Simulators

I enjoy playing simulators, mostly vehicles and aircraft.

I do occasionally play open world games such as Red Dead Redemption 2 and GTA V. I will also play Call of Duty from time to time with my wife, and Ark with my kids.

My wife is an avid COD player, and I also manage and edit all her videos.

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