The Hale family

Family Outings

Bongani Mabaso Eco Park

We are so fortunate to have an eco park near to our new home. Not only does the park have a large variety of interesting wildlife, it is also FREE! You can ride a bicycle, drive a car, hike, or even horse ride. There are great picnic spots.

There are no rentals, no shop, and they are only open on weekends.


My family loves dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals. We enjoy watching documentaries, playing video games, collecting fossils, and visiting museums to learn more about them.

my hand injury

In February 2012, I was a passenger in a high speed car accident. I spent nearly one year off work, and had countless reconstructive surgeries. All my joints were replaced with steel and silicon.

I cannot open and close my hand, however I still have full mobility in my thumb, allowing me to grasp onto objects. In 2019 I developed epilepsy as a result of the accident.