MATH 351- Differential Equations:

 Dynamics and Change

Spring 2023, Stonybrook, Undergraduate Level. 

Class Meetings: Tuesday and Thursday 1:15 pm - 2:35 pm, Physics P113

Instructor: Donghao Wang

Email: (remove all numbers)

Office Hours:  Wednesday 4: 00 pm - 6: 00 pm at SCGP Room 310

                                 Wednesday 6: 00 pm - 7: 00 pm online via zoom.       

                                        also            by appointments

Textbook:  Chaos: An Introduction to Dynamic Systems, by Alligood, Sauer, and Yorke.

                         This book can be downloaded here and is referred to as ASY below. We will try to cover most of Chapter 1 - 8. 

Course syllabus can be found here.

Other Useful Sources: An introduction to Chaotic Dynamic Systems, by Devaney.

                                                  A First Course in Dynamics with panorama of recent developments, by Hasselblatt and Katok

                                                  Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems, and an Introduction to Chaos, by Devaney, Hirsch, and Smale.

                                                  Dynamics in One Complex Variable, by Minor.

                                                 Complex Analysis: The Argument Principle in Analysis and Topology, by Beardon

Schedule and Suggested Readings (will be updated as it goes)

** Tu 3/14 (Spring Break!)

** Th 3/16 (Spring Break!)

** Final: Mon 5/15 11:15 am to 1:45 p