MATH 211 - Introduction to Linear Algebra

Fall 2023, Stonybrook, Undergraduate Level. 

Class Meetings: Monday and Wednesday, 4:00 pm - 5:20 pm, Earth & Space 069

Instructor: Donghao Wang

Email: (remove all numbers)

Office Hours:  1. Monday & Friday, 1: 00 pm - 2: 00 pm  at Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, Room 310

                                 2. (MLC) Monday 6: 00 pm - 7: 00 pm online via zoom.       

                                 3. By appointments (just send me an email)

Textbook:  Linear Algebra with applications, by Otto Bretscher. 

Grader: Miao Song,

Course syllabus can be found here.

Tentative Schedule, Suggested Readings and Lecture Notes: 

***M 9/4 (Labor Day)

***M 10/9 (Fall Break)

***W 11/22 (Thanksgiving Break)

***Final: Tuesday 12/12, 2:15 pm - 5:00 pm. Location: Engineering 145.