

3. Donghao Wang, Monopoles and Landau-Ginzburg Models I. Accepted by Comm. Anal. Geom. (Arxiv version)

2. Donghao Wang, On finite energy monopoles on ℂ×Σ. Accepted by Comm. Anal. Geom. (Arxiv version)

1. Xiang Ma, Donghao Wang, Nan Ye, The Fenchel-type inequality in the 3-dimensional Lorentz space and a Crofton formula. Ann. Global Anal. Geom. 50 (2016), no. 3, 249–259. (Published version)(Arxiv version)

Submitted and Preprints

3. Donghao Wang, The Complex Gradient Flow Equation and Seidel's Spectral Sequence. (Arxiv version)

2. Donghao Wang, Monopoles and Landau-Ginzburg Models III: A Gluing Theorem. Submitted. (Arxiv version).

1. Donghao Wang, Monopoles and Landau-Ginzburg Models II: Floer Homology. Submitted. (Arxiv version).