18.968 Topics in Geometry

In Spring 2020, Prof. Seidel was teaching a topic course on symplectic topology at MIT. Here is the link to the course website.

You can find the lecture notes that I transcribed in this webpage. You can also read them in a single document.

Disclaimer: I do NOT personally work on symplectic topology. I tried to transcribe what Prof. Seidel said in the class, including any mistakes that he may have accidentally made and I was unable to discern. But I suppose most typos and mistakes are due to my own ignorance. Please let me know if you find some of them extremely misleading.

Feb. 3. Lecture 1: Introduction.

Feb. 5. Lecture 2: Morse Cohomology.

Feb. 10. Lecture 3: The Cup Product.

Feb. 12. Lecture 4: Hamiltonian Floer Cohomology

Feb. 18. Lecture 5: Hamiltonian Floer Cohomology II.

Feb. 19. Cancelled.

Feb. 24. Lecture 6: TQFT Formalisms for Floer Cohomology.

Feb. 26. Lecture 7: Constructing Cohomology Operations.

Mar. 2. Lecture 8: Landau-Ginzburg Models.

Mar. 4. Lecture 9: PSL(2,R) Connections.

Mar. 9. Lecture 10: PSL(2,R) Connections II.

Mar. 11. Lecture 11: A_\infty Algebras.

Mar. 16. Cancelled due to COVID-19.

Mar. 18. Cancelled due to COVID-19.

Mar. 23. Spring Break.

Mar. 25. Spring Break.

Mar. 30. Lecture 12: Hochschild Cohomology and A_\infty bimodules.

Apr. 1. Lecture 13: Deformation Theory.

Apr. 6. Lecture 14: Non-Commutative Linear System.

Apr. 8. Lecture 15: Fukaya Categories.

Apr. 13. Lecture 16: Fukaya Categories II.

Apr. 15. Lecture 17: Relative Fukaya Categories.

Apr. 20. Patriots' Day.

Apr. 22. Lecture 18: Poincare Duality.

Apr. 27. Lecture 19: Fukaya Categories of Lefschetz Fibrations.

Apr. 29. Lecture 20: Closed-Open String Maps.

May. 4. Lecture 21: The Total Space and Fibers.

May. 6. Lecture 22: A Structure Theorem.

May. 11. Lecture 23: A_\infty Structures and Their Fields of Definitions.