Copyright Agreement

  1. The authors own the copyright to the article

  2. The manuscript submitted is the author's original work

  3. Authors hereby grant Dolores NHS Research and Innovation Journal's a free and unrestricted license to disseminate the article electronically to anybody who asks for it.

  4. All authors participated in the work in a substantive way and are prepared to take public responsibility for the works.

  5. All authors have seen and approved the manuscript as submitted.

  6. The manuscript has not been published and is not being submitted or considered for publication elsewhere.

  7. The text, illustrations and any other materials included in the manuscript do not infringe upon any existing copyright or other rights of anyone.

  8. No responsibility is assumed by Dolores NHS Research and Innovation Journal's, its staff or members of the editorial board for any injury or change to person or property as a matter of product liability, negligence or otherwise of any methods, pr

Preparation of Manuscripts

  1. Author(s) are strongly encouraged to submit manuscripts online by using the google form link below to upload the manuscripts following the editors' instructions.

  2. Manuscripts should be typewritten or prepared on a word processor, with single space and fonts Arial.

  3. Font size 12 till the end of Keywords.

  4. Font size 11 after Keywords till the end of the paper.

  5. Statement from respondents/participants should be italicized and of font size 9.

  6. Table number and caption should be placed before that table.

  7. Figure number & figure caption should be placed after the figure.

  8. First level Subheadings should be of Capital letters and Bold.

  9. Second level Side Headings should be Small lettered and Bold.

  10. Third level Side Headings should be Small lettered, Italics, and Bold.

  11. All references should be cited in the body of the text.

  12. The citation must be written in body text (without footnotes) with bracket as follows: (author, year: page). Example: (Tegerero, 2018: 29). Where there are two authors, both should be named; with three or more only the first author's name plus "et al." need be given. Example: (Tegerero & Lazarra, 2018: 29) and (Tegererp et al, 2017: 29).

  13. Make sure that the article has less than 10% plagiary result via Turnitin. Also, have the manuscript proofread by an english teacher.

Manuscript Format

  • Title of the article;

  • Name(s) of author(s)

  • Affiliation(s) of author(s);

  • ORCid and e-mail address of the authors

  • Abstract: Each article is to be preceded by a succinct abstract, of up to 250 words, that highlights the objectives, methods, results, and conclusions of the paper.

  • Key Words: To identify the subjects under which the article may be indexed, 3 - 5 keywords should be provided.

  • Introduction (including objectives of the study)

  • Methodology

  • Results and Discussion

  • Conclusions and Recommendation

  • Acknowledgement (only the most important personalities)

  • Declaration of conflict of interest and source of funding (if applicable)

  • References: The list at the end of the paper should include only works mentioned in the text and should be arranged alphabetically by the name of the first author. References should be cited following APA 7th Edition style. Internet source should include the homepage URL and date when retrieved. Journal papers from the internet which has DOI need be given.

  • For your reference, click the button below to access the publishable format of the journal


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