Abraham Lincoln Bust

This statue, along with the bust of President Dwight D. Eisenhower, were a constant fixture in Senator Dole’s various Senate offices as well as in his House of Representatives office and the law office he worked in during his post-political career. These two presidents were two of Senator Dole’s personal heroes, both serving as President of the United States and exemplifying important American ideals. Senator Dole admired President Abraham Lincoln for his work keeping the Union together during the Civil War, but more importantly as the first Republican president of the United States. Lincoln epitomized the ‘essence of Republicanism’ as Senator Dole put it and believed the legacy he left could still be felt in the Republican Party today (c019_012_007_all). Having served under President Dwight D. Eisenhower not only as a citizen and Congressman, but as a soldier in WWII, Senator Dole believed that Eisenhower’s leadership in WWII was the best definition of the term that he had ever seen. Eisenhower was also the first, and to this date, only Kansas president.

Abraham Lincoln Bust

Dwight D. Eisenhower Bust

Photograph of Dole at his House Desk

Although this photograph shows Dole in his House of Representatives office, it depicts the Abraham Lincoln bust on the back shelf. This bust traveled all over Washington D.C. with Dole and was an important fixture in his Senate offices.

Discussion Questions

  • Do you know who the first Republican president of the United States was?

    • Hint: it's one of the busts

  • Can you name the political parties that existed before his time as president?

  • Who is one of your personal heroes?

Where am I on the Senate Desk?