Bipartisan Figurine

Bipartisan Figurine

Having served in the Senate for 27 years, Senator Dole had the chance to leave his mark on the United States though numerous pieces of legislation. Senator Dole carried over several causes that he was passionate about from his time in the House of Representatives, including supporting new Food Stamp and child nutrition programs with Democratic Senator George McGovern and continuing to always have an eye on the nation’s finances while serving on the Senate Finance Committee. A key part of Senator Dole being able to get so many pieces of landmark legislation through Congress was his willingness to reach across the aisle and work with Democrats. His partnership with Senator Pat Moynihan helped get the Social Security Act passed and worked with numerous Democrats in his support for veterans, both those who returned home and raising awareness for those still missing in action or prisoners of war.

ADA Sticker

The American with Disabilities Act was signed into law on July 16, 1990. Dole was a lifelong advocate for Americans with disabilities, having lived with an acquired disability since he was injured in WWII in 1945. The passing of this act was one of his proudest achievements and this sticker embodies that spirit.

Social Security Button

In the early 1980's, Social Security was in danger of going broke. This would dramatically affect millions of Americans in need, which was something that Senator Dole was not willing to do. Teaming up with Democratic Senator Pat Moynihan and the other members of the Gang of Seven, a bill for Social Security reform was signed into law on April 20, 1983.

Watchdog of the Treasury Award

As a member of the Republican party, being fiscally conservative was an important ideal that members were expected to uphold. Senator Dole not only earned this award when he was serving in the House of Representatives in the 1960's and 1970's, but continued to earn them throughout the rest of his time in Congress.

POW Bracelet

The Prisoner of War (POW) and Missing in Action (MIA) cause was very important to Senator Dole, who was a military veteran himself. During the late 1960's and early 1970's, Dole worked to bring awareness to these soldier's situation.

Discussion Questions

  • What does it mean to be bipartisan?

  • Name some ways that these pieces of legislation (ADA, Social Security etc.) have influenced your life

  • How many objects do you think we have in our collection?

Where am I on the Senate Desk?