Theme: Foreign Affairs

A large part of both the late Senator’s time in and out of politics was dedicated to foreign affairs. From working on important trade issues such as deciding whether to give up American control of the Panama Canal or aiding in humanitarian efforts like the civil wars in Bosnia and Kosovo, foreign policy was important to Senator Dole. He believed that everyone in the world deserved certain freedoms and not only fought for the American people to have them, but for all the people of the world to have them. These items are just a small look at what is present in the collection, most of which are gifts from dignitaries in thanks for Senator Dole’s help.

Piece of the Panama Canal

Bosnia Plaque

Kosovo Medallion

China Medallion

Asiatic Bottle and Stand

Discussion Questions:

  • How have the causes that Senator Dole championed affected our lives in the modern day?

    • Are we still supportive of them?

  • Do you agree that foreign affairs is something that the government should be focused on?

    • Why?

  • True or False: The piece of paper that reads "Piece of the Panama Canal - December 28, 1978" has its own item number

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