Can I bring my family to Class Clown sessions?

Family and friends are welcome; however, children must be accompanied by an adult other than yourself and must be able to sit quietly so that you and your pet can focus on learning.

Does my pet have to be neutered/spayed to enroll in services?

I do require all pets to be neutered/spayed to participate in my Class Clown service. This is to ensure maximum focus from your pets. Pets who are unaltered give off a different scent than the pets who are; this could be very distracting in a group setting. However, don't get your tail in a frenzy, unaltered pets are welcome to all other services!

How do I know if my pet is right for a group class setting?

Pets should not attend class if they are showing signs of illness or infection including coughing, sneezing, fevered, etc.

Pets that are reactive towards people (growl, barks, lunges) should not attend group training classes. If your pet is reactive on-leash towards other pets and you would like to get them into a group setting, please start their training with a Study Hall session, Online Classes, or by purchasing a treatment plan designed for your pet.

Additionally, pets that have a history of aggression (snarling, snapping, biting) towards people or other pets are not appropriate for group training classes. If your pet has a history of aggression towards people, Online Classes and treatment plan purchases are the best services for you and your pet.

I need to cancel my service session, how do I get a refund?

In the event that you need to cancel your service session, notification is required 3 days before your scheduled appointment time in order to qualify for a refund. All refunds are subject to a $15 handling fee.

Last minute cancellations (less than 72 hours) or no-shows will not be granted a refund.

Rescheduling is available and recommended for all scheduling issues. If you wish to reschedule your service session appointment, please contact me at DoggoneSmartiePaws@gmail.com.

Can I bring both of my pets to service sessions?

Sure! However, services are purchased per 1 slot. You must purchase the number of services according to however many pets you have. For example, if you have 4 pets that you would like to enroll in Class Clown sessions, you must purchase 4 Class Clown services. Each pet must be attended by an adult.