Professional Development 

Being a head of Eureka Experimentarium branch of PTNK Student Research and Journal Club, one of my primary focuses has been to foster interdisciplinary research and collaboration among my school's students. 

As an Ambassador for the Math and Science Summer Program (MASSP), I played a pivotal role in recruiting over 80 mentees from underprivileged backgrounds across the nation.

Attending the VNU-HCM High School for The Gifted Symposium was an enriching experience that provided me with valuable insights into various academic disciplines and research projects. 

As a student participating in this trip, I am thrilled to join the Ecohack competition organized by Western Sydney University, which aims to address climate change through innovative solutions. 

Participating in the RMIT University Youth Informatics Hackathon was an incredible opportunity to dive into the realm of advanced technologies at one of Vietnam's foremost tech universities.

Participating in the Intel field trip was an extraordinary journey that provided a comprehensive insight into the world of semiconductor technology.

In the "PTNK Climate Change Interview" YouTube video, I lead a survey with fellow students on the crucial topic of climate change, aiming to highlight its importance and correct widespread misconceptions.

As a committed member of the School-level FOT Football Club, I have played a crucial role as a goalkeeper, contributing significantly to our team's strategies and success on the field.