Climate Change Interview 

In the "PTNK Climate Change Interview" YouTube video, I lead a survey with fellow students on the crucial topic of climate change, aiming to highlight its importance and correct widespread misconceptions. During the interview, we touch upon various critical aspects, including the role of the ocean in absorbing excess heat. Initially, one student mistakenly claims that the ocean absorbs 50% of this heat, but the accurate figure is a staggering 91%. Additionally, we underline that the recent warming trend is unparalleled in the last 2000 years, a fact that underscores the urgency of the climate crisis.

The interview also delves into corporate responsibility, emphasizing that businesses must adopt eco-friendly technologies, invest in sustainable practices, and adhere to stringent government regulations. We stress the importance of raising environmental awareness through social media campaigns and school initiatives, highlighting the need for both individual and collective actions to combat environmental issues.

Throughout the video, we discuss the broader impacts of climate change on biodiversity, noting how its decline threatens ecosystem stability, food production, and various industries. We also identify the lack of global unity and collective action as significant hurdles in addressing environmental challenges. Despite these obstacles, we suggest practical steps that individuals can take at home to reduce their carbon footprint and promote environmental sustainability.

In the latter part of the interview, we showcase a high school project aimed at combating climate change. We propose solutions like forest preservation and reducing vehicle emissions, reflecting our commitment to addressing global warming. Completing this project has deepened our understanding of climate issues and reinforced our dedication to advocating for a sustainable future.