Western Sydney EcoHack 

In the Ecohack competition organized by Western Sydney University, where our high school team has been chosen to address climate change through innovative solutions. This competition, marking the 50th anniversary of Vietnam-Australia diplomatic relations and aimed at raising youth awareness about climate change, has attracted 40 teams from Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi. The challenge, "How to mitigate climate change through innovation," has sparked considerable interest among us.

Under the guidance of our teacher, our team of four students has been brainstorming and preparing for the competition. We are eager to contribute to a sustainable future by developing innovative solutions tailored to Vietnam's environmental challenges.

One of our main ideas focuses on using thermal energy storage in refrigerators to optimize energy usage and reduce overall energy consumption in Vietnam. This solution emerged from intensive debates and pitching sessions within our team, highlighting its potential impact on sustainability efforts in our country. 

Participating in this competition is an opportunity for us not only to showcase our talents but also to make a meaningful contribution to global efforts against climate change. Winning would be an honor and a chance to represent our school and country proudly, while gaining valuable experience in addressing real-world challenges through innovation and teamwork.