RMIT Hackathon

Participating in the RMIT University Youth Informatics Hackathon was an incredible opportunity to dive into the realm of advanced technologies at one of Vietnam's foremost tech universities. Throughout the visit, I gained invaluable insights into the university workflow and project management methodologies, allowing me to understand firsthand how innovation is cultivated and projects are executed efficiently. Moreover, immersing myself in the vibrant culture and dynamic environment of RMIT provided me with a deeper appreciation for the collaborative spirit and creativity that drive success in education.

Attending the RMIT University campus tour was an eye-opening experience for me. Being surrounded by students from various cultural backgrounds truly highlighted the importance of diversity in education. Exploring the state-of-the-art laboratories, modern libraries, and dynamic classrooms gave me a glimpse into the innovative learning environment that RMIT offers. What stood out the most was the opportunity to engage with leading experts and participate in hands-on learning experiences. It wasn't just about seeing the facilities; it was about actively learning and contributing to groundbreaking research projects. This tour has not only equipped me with the necessary tools and resources for academic success but also instilled in me a deeper appreciation for collaboration and cultural understanding in today's interconnected world.

The 3D Printing Technology Workshop offers participants a unique opportunity to delve into the intricacies of 3D printing technology while immersing themselves in a hands-on learning environment. Through interactive sessions and practical exercises, attendees gain a comprehensive understanding of the principles behind 3D printing and its applications across various industries. Beyond theoretical knowledge, participants have the chance to unleash their creativity and bring their ideas to life by designing and producing tangible products using cutting-edge 3D printing technology. This workshop not only equips individuals with valuable skills in a rapidly advancing field but also fosters innovation and problem-solving abilities through experiential learning. 

In the workshop, I led a 6-member team to successfully tackle challenging programming tasks within strict time constraints, resulting in a top 10 finish. Additionally, I participated in intensive 3D printing training sessions covering design, material selection, and printer operation, skills which proved invaluable during my subsequent "Autonomous Trash-collecting Robot" internship project. These experiences collectively enriched my academic journey, broadened my technical expertise, and inspired me to pursue further advancements in technology and innovation.