My research aims to understand the Earth's surface systems through fieldworks and microfossil analysis.

>>>> ABOUT Dr. Daisuke Kuwano

Daisuke KUWANO

Doctor of Philosophy (Science) 

Assistant Professor

Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies,

Kyoto University 

>>>> Research Interests

Micropaleontology (nannofossils), Geology, Stratigraphy, Geochemistry, Paleoceanography, and Paleoclimatology.

>>>> Address

Kyoto University

Yoshida-Nihonmatsu, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan

E-mail: kuwano.daisuke.3f "@" kyoto-u.ac.jp

>>>> Education

>>>> Academic Experience

>>>> Awards

>>>> Fellowships

>>>> Research Grants

>>>> Membership of academic societies

・ Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU)

・ The Geological Society of Japan (June 2022– Directors) 

・Paleontological Society of Japan

・Paleosciences society

The International Nannoplankton Association

>>>> Cruises

>>>> Publications

>>>> Presentations at international conferences

>>>> SNS (X & Instagram)