Diving Lund

October 30 - November 2


Great Diving - New Friends

We think that diving is the best sport and that Diving Lund should be a meeting place to meet new friends and experience great diving. Therefore, we want to create a competition that not only offers the best possible conditions in and around the pool, but also find opportunities to socialize, have fun and meet new friends from other parts of the world. Our motto: Great Diving - New Friends!

Diving Lund is the friendliest diving meet in Europe and takes part in Lund, Sweden. Dates for the meet is from October 31- November 3 2024 . 

The Diving Lund story begins in 1982, when the Högevall pool still was brand new. The first seven years the meet was called Speedo Cup, but 1988 it was renamed Diving Lund and between 2018- 2022 it was called Euro Finans Diving Lund. We have had visitors from all over the world, from Australia and China to USA and Canada. Our European friends have always taken part faithfully.