At the meet

Arriving to Lund

When arriving to the pool, please report to our club office. It is situated to the left when you enter the building from the main entrance on the north side. Address to the pool is Högevallsgatan 1. You will get a goodie bag with your team’s dive sheets to be signed, food tickets, t-shirts and other information. You will also get a Diving Lund accreditation card and an electronic key band for the gate and lockers. A lost key band must be replaced with 200 SEK. All participants and the audience will use the main entrance.

All divers must sign their dive sheets at the office before Thursday 14:00.

The office is open Wednesday 09:00-18:00 and Thursday at 09:00-14:00.

The Pool

Use the main entrance to access the pool, you'll need the key band to enter the gate. The lockers are situated on the second floor. Use the locker rooms marked ”Diving Lund”.  All divers need to shower in the shower rooms before getting into the pool water. You are not allowed to use other parts of the pool without paying. You should not pass through the adventure pool on your way to and from the diving pool. You must return the key band at the office before Sunday at 17:30. 


Audiences can enter the pool free of charge. They can receive a barcode ticket at the pool reception.

Dive sheets 

Dive sheets must be registered at The sheets must be registered not later than Monday 28 October. It is possible to change the dives until 18.00 the day before competition. Changes after this hour can be made, it costs 100 SEK, 10€ or 10$ (until the competition starts). Divers who don’t register their sheets in time will be canceled from the event.

All divers must sign their dive sheets and return them to the office before Thursday 14:00 or 18:00 the day before the competition

Technical Meeting & Judges Meeting

There will be a technical meeting at the conference room on the second floor, above the office on Thursday at 14:00. Directly after the meeting we will have a judges meeting. We would like all judges to be there. You will find an updated list of judge panels on At the technical meeting the list will be finally set.

Judges are asked to bring white neutral clothes to use during judging.

Training Hours

Springboards and platform will be reserved the last 20 minutes for those diving in the upcoming event.

Wednesday: 13:30 (13:00*) - 20:00 

Thursday: 10:00 (09:00*) - competition starts

Friday:  07:00 (06:45*) - competition starts

Saturday: 07:00 (06:45*) - competition starts

Sunday:  07:00 (06:45*) - competition starts 

(*Access to dressing rooms)  

Platform safety

During morning training sessions (Thursday 15:00-16:00, Friday-Sunday 07:00-08:30) there will be one designated staff member calling down the divers from the platform. During this time coaches shall not call down their divers. 

All other training on platform, the coaches are responsible to safely call down their own divers by using both hand signs and calling out in English. 

Competition schedule

There will be fixed starting hours for the first competition of the day. The next competitions will follow after a 15 minutes break with a victory ceremony and a few minutes training. Schedule 

Victory ceremony

Right after the competition there will be a short victory ceremony. The six top divers will be asked to gather next to the podium below the Swedish flag. A coach or an official from the team of the winning diver will be asked to hand over the medals.

Opening Ceremony

There will be an Opening Ceremony on Friday afternoon at 16:45. Two divers from each team. Please gather at 16:30 at the stairs to the lockers.

Dry land facilities

The dry-land training room can not be used due to safety reasons. Dry board can be used during training hours under supervision of a leader.

Lunch and dinner

Lunch will be served at the pool.

Dinner is served at Polhem School.

Use your tickets.

Coaches Party

Diving Lund has the honor to invite all coaches to a Coaches Party on Friday at 19:00-22:30. There will be served refreshments and snacks served in the café on the second floor just above the office. This is an opportunity to meet other coaches and officials from the other clubs. Hope to see you there!

Divers Party

On Saturday night there will be a party at Polhem school at 18:00-21:30. A buffet will be served and there will be a disco for the divers in the basement. The coaches can socialize with some refreshments while the divers enjoy themselves.


Coffee and sandwiches for coaches and judges will be served at the pool during competitions from Thursday!