
Skill Variability

All students exhibit a variety of strengths and challenges, even within a disability category. One size doesn't fit all, and that is especially true of instruction. We have to design our instructional environments so they are flexible and meet the needs of all students. We can start by designing instruction that meets the needs of our students with disabilities.


In this activity you will create a student scenario based on skill variability, and then use that scenario in the Inclusion and IEP Considerations activities.

Print out the form below and a pen or highlighter:

  1. Create a student name. The grade will be 5th.
  2. Check Phonics, Word recognition, and Comprehension-print in the Challenge column. Check Vocabulary, Language, and Comprehension-auditory in the Average column.
  3. Now review the pages on SLD, OHI, TBI, and OI. You can look at the different impacts of each area of disability, the example considerations, and the learning supports.
  4. Continue creating the skill profile. For each skill area decide if it is a challenge, if it is average, or if it is a strength for the student. There is no requirement that the profile specifically reflect SLD, OHI, TBI, or OI.
  5. Once your student profile is completed, use the uPAR data form and brainstorm instruction and supports needed for word recognition and language comprehension.

student profile worksheet.pdf
upar student analysis worksheet.pdf