Keeping the Doors to Learning Open

Presentation Parish School

With the current mandates from our state due to the pandemic, it is necessary for us to have a plan for Distance Learning in the event a family chooses to voluntarily have their child learn from home or if the school is ordered to close the campus. It is our intention in either case to keep the doors to learning open with live stream classes, video recordings, video conferencing, or any other means of learning virtually. Distance Learning is not intended to be “independent study" but rather a means to give all students learning opportunities that engage, challenge, and enrich their faith and academics.

Sustained Learning Mission Statement

The Sustained Learning Plan for the Catholic Schools Office in the Diocese of Stockton is designed with the following key features: (Adapted from the Archdiocese of Portland Distance Learning Handbook)

  • Online access to technology and internet for all students and families

  • Synchronous learning engages live video conferencing to support learning and socio-emotional needs of students through social interaction with peers and teachers

  • Asynchronous learning to ensure the opportunity to learn for all students based on schedule, connectivity, and level of instruction.

  • Flexible timeline for Distance Learning instruction, assessment, and feedback

  • A commitment to monitoring and improving this plan during the time of its implementation

  • Consistent routines and Learning Management Systems

  • Open/Clear communication with regular review of teacher, parent, and student feedback

While Distance Learning does not replicate onsite learning, teacher and administration committing to creating equitable learning environments strong in content, continuity, and Catholic teaching allows the Diocese of Stockton to create an environment of Sustained Learning. Teachers can deliver powerful instruction based on a robust curriculum that allows students to meet expected standards.

Asynchronous instruction provides a learning environment that does not require teachers and students to be online at the same time. Since teachers, students, and families are all working on various childcare and work schedules, this is an essential part of the Distance Learning Plan.

Synchronous, real-time instruction provides opportunities for students to participate in interactions with their teachers and classmates in real time.

Teachers in the Diocese of Stockton will provide a hybrid of synchronous and asynchronous learning for students.

Classroom interactions and engagement opportunities continue from a distance through virtual meetings, live video chats with the whole class, and video tutorials. Distance Learning is not an opportunity for busy work, but rather time for authentic learning tasks that are purposefully planned and assessed.

Teachers will digitally deliver units based on Diocesan standards. Feedback will be consistently provided through online check-ins, comments on collaborative work, or class chats. This feedback is a valuable form of ongoing assessment that informs grading.

Presentation will be flexible with the delivery of their educational program during Distance Learning to provide opportunity for all students to produce high quality work and not penalize students for the context they are working within at this time.

It is with these intentions in place that our school will sustain learning while engaged in a distance/hybrid learning model.

Distance Learning if the School Campus Is Closed

The Governor of California has issued a mandate that schools can only reopen when their county has been off the "watch list" for 14 consecutive days. At this time, the status of San Joaquin County does not allow for Presentation School to open for in-person instruction. Thus, we will open the 2020-21 school year with Distance Learning. Teachers and principals within the Diocese of Stockton are committed to:

  • Regularly scheduled live (synchronous) instruction

  • Consistent schedules and student work guidelines

  • Substantial support with the use of online tools

  • Continuous online opportunities to practice the Catholic faith

  • Cultivating community among students and families

  • Maintaining academic rigor and instruction that supports it

  • Monitoring the social and emotional well being of all student

  • Multiple opportunities for feedback and clear, open communication

Distance Learning Option if the School Campus is Open

If county guidelines permit our campus to open for in-person instruction, families will still have the option to have their child participate in "Distance Learning" for the first trimester. Status can change if guidelines change or when the new trimester begins.

  • A meeting will be set with the families who choose this option to discuss roles, responsibilities, and to plan for the trimester.

  • Students will follow a daily schedule and connect to live classes as well as complete all assignments and assessments.

  • Students, parents, and staff will complete and sign a Distance Learning Agreement.

  • Families who choose Distance Learning when the campus is open choose to do so for the entire trimester.


Tuition remains the same for students at Presentation Parish School whether instruction is delivered on campus or remotely. If a family would like to apply for tuition assistance, applications can be completed through the family's FACTS account.