Starting with RoverAPI

Description: This is a guided example on how set up a development environment to use DiscoverCCRI's RoverAPI

Tutorial Level: Beginner

Next Tutorial: First Script




1. Prerequisites

This tutorial assumes that you are familiar with DiscoverCCRI's project. If not, you should familiarize yourself with DiscoverCCRI's infrastructure and portal. To correctly use the containerized development environment, you will need to have installed docker on a Linux or MacOS device.



2. Setup

The DiscoverCCRI rover team has created a containerized development environment allowing for users to easily run and test scripts that utilize our rovers. The development environment contains: ROS, the software suite that make controlling the rovers possible; Gazebo, a 3D robotics simulator; and all required dependencies to make DiscoverCCRI's RoverAPI work. The development enviroment is deployed in a docker container, and uses noVNC to allow for easy access.



2.1 Installation

To install the docker container, simply run:

docker pull cjb873/sim_image



2.2 Run

To run the container, use the command

docker run -p 9000:80 -it --name rover_development_container cjb873/sim_image

Then open your browser and go to localhost:9000. You should see the desktop of your container.

After running the container, you can use the following command to stop your container:

docker stop

After creating the container, you just have to use the following command to activate it:

docker start rover_development_container



2.3 Use

To use the simulator in the container, run the following command in the terminal:

roslaunch leo_gazebo leo_gazebo

Within gazebo you can place all sorts of objects to create a scenario to test the capabilities of the rover. From here you can develop code just like you normally would in any other situation.



2.4 Continuing On

If you are going to be continuing on with the other tutorials, create a directory for all of your tutorial code using the command:

mkdir ~/beginner_tutorials