Account Authentication

  • Authorization is managed by DiscoverGroups. A basic Discover User is only authorized to view the resource and public project information.

  • Discover experiments is organized via the "Project-Experiment" hierarchy, i.e, a Project has to be created first in order to create experiments in it.

  • From a project perspective, each project forms a "Role Group". Every project is created by a PI User who can delegate one or more project members to become the Project Owner. The project PI and Owners can add or remove Discover users to or from the project.

  1. Go to “Account” -> “User Profile” -> to check your current role(s) and be able to change your “Display Name” in the portal system (Eg, you want to hide your true name from other experimenters) .

  2. You would upload your public ssh key under “Accounts” -> “Credential”, which will be copied into the E-VMs when your experiment if instantiated by the operators. You can also generate a new public-private key pair here (Please change the permission of the private key file in your local computer as shown by the screenshot at the end of this post.) And If you copy/paste/save a new public key, the old one(s) will be deleted altogether.

"None" means you haven't uploaded any public key yet.

It's recommended to upload one public key per user only.

Please refer to the section 2.6) Experiment Flow for more information on secure access to your experiment.

3. You can check all the messages you sent and received between you and the operator and your project members under “Accounts” -> “Messages”.

4. In order to become a PI User, a Discover User needs first go to "Account" -> "Role Request" -> "Principal Investigator (PI)". The request will be forwarded to the testbed operator for approval.