Week 2

Project Evaluation responses:

1) Describe the plan your group used to build the project.

We decided to divide up the work for the projects. Izzy, Kyuhyun, and Matthew would work on the red bot while Aaron and Kunal worked on the Arduino for the other two robots. Kunal would code the sensor for the Arduino. Kyuhyun and Matthew would work on the Tamiya model and build the gearbox. Then we would all get together and combine the finished products. 

2) How did you incorporate the Design strategies from the textbook (Ch 21-26)?

One major design strategy that we used was the strategies on successful teamwork on pages 493-494. We used the idea of assigning clear roles and work assignments a lot, dividing up the work needed to be done on the alarm circuit between groups of people. We also communicated a lot and made decisions with the agreement of the whole team. Another design strategy we used was the “Systematic Approach” detailed on pages 485 - 486. When coming up with the Circuit Labs design for the circuit, we came up with many logic designs, eventually settling on what seemed the most simple and efficient, and then built the circuit. We also used the advice on “How to manage a design team project” on page 490, as we made sure to set deadlines and keep working methodically on all parts of the design.  

3) Describe the process your group used to accomplish the task.

We decided to divide up the work for the projects. Izzy, Kyuhyun, and Matthew started working on the red bot while Aaron and Kunal worked on the Arduino for the other two robots. Kunal coded the sensor for the Arduino. After finishing the Red bot, Kyuhyun and Matthew worked on the Tamiya model and built the gearbox.Then Izzy helped mount the Arduino onto the robot while also building the simulation. 

4) Describe how the principles you used to build the project and apply to the engineering fields you studied

First of all, when we designed the circuits for the Tamiya robot we used electrical engineering. Secondly, all three of the robots used coding to program each robot, which uses computer engineering. Finally, all sections of this week used mechanical engineering through the physical building of each robot.

5) Each member’s role in the project:

Aaron wired the Arduino Uno R3 and built the Tamiya Robot’s base, Kunal coded both Arduino Uno R3’s, Matthew and Kyuhyun built the gearbox of Tamiya Robot, Matthew and Izzy built the red bot and Izzy made the simulation of our robot. We all collaborated on different portions of the website and research paper, however Izzy wrote the majority of the paper. We all worked together to assemble the Tamiya robot.

6) Describe the successes and the obstacles your team encountered and how your team overcame the obstacles.

We had struggles with the gearbox and constructing the final product by attaching the red bot to the Arduino Uno R3. We built two different modifications of the gearbox that weren’t appropriate to correctly operate the robot. The final product construction was an obstacle because we had trouble taping the Arduino Uno R3 to the top of the red bot because of the combination of the heavy weight of the Arduino Uno R3 and the flimsy cardboard trying to hold it above. We also had a lot of trouble connecting the rubber tracks. Our successes included making the Arduino Uno R3 and the base of the Tamiya Robot first try.

7) What would your next steps be to improve your project?

The next steps we would take to improve our project would be to take our time planning and reading instructions. We had to redo our gearbox for the Tamiya robot multiple times, which was due to some small missteps which eventually led to a major loss of time. This time constraint made it difficult to make the Tamiya robot as solid as possible in the time remaining. In the future we will slow down before we start, divide up all the work evenly, and then begin building/programming.

8) Describe the lessons that you learned and how you will apply these lessons to future projects.

The lessons that we learned from this project were far less detrimental than last time. Last time our productivity and process were the lessons that we learned. This time, we learned that asking key questions and trying to take in as much information as possible is critical to group success in all projects. This was a lesson that we mainly learned after completing the Tamiya model. We completed the gearbox wrong several times and did not know why our robot wasn’t working. We will be frequently cross checking our designs in the future to ensure that we don’t run into these time consuming issues in the future. 

9) Knowing what you know now, how would you start your project differently?

I would have started the Tamiya model on the first day. It was by far the most difficult and time consuming part. In a condensed week, it was really difficult to build this robot, and not starting the basic construction of this robot on the first day eventually led to our downfall. Not only that, but we needed to prioritize coding sooner, as this was very difficult and time consuming as well.

Technical Questions:

1) How would you have built your Tamiya robot differently if you had the chance?

2) Did you face any difficulties programming the online robot simulation? If so, what?

3) How do your Red Robot sensors work when the bot hits an obstacle?

4) How easy would it be to integrate new functions onto the Tamiya robot?

5) How does the simulated robot navigate the maze you made? What functions are in its program that allows it to reach the end?

6)  How did the sensor on the Tamiya bot work?

7) How does the Red Robot follow lines on the ground?

8) How did the change in the gears/motor in the Tamiya Robot change its functionality?

9) Do you think it is possible to continue to shrink the robots while maintaining functionality and effectiveness in emergency response?

End-user Questions:

1) How many robots do you think should be used in case of disaster response?

2) Would these robots be cost effective for emergency services who may not have significant funds?

3) Do you believe that robots are reliable tools to use in disaster responses scenarios?

4)  If you could rework your sensors would you make them more or less sensitive? Why?

5)  Who would you as the creators of the project recommend the robots for? Would it be for any company or emergency response units?

6) What is another type of sensor that you would’ve implemented into your robot to navigate the disaster?

7)  How could this robot be built to a larger scale for larger duties in a disaster situation?

8)  Which of the three robots was your favorite robot? Why?

9) Are these robots mass producible? Could you see the robots eventually being very populous in urban areas?