

At this point in the testing stage, the bridge was simply a piece of card placed in between two wooden blocks. This build was able to hold 5 bolts before collapsing. 




The second stage involved adding two triangular arches to both sides of the bridge in order to dissipate the stress and let the bridge hold more weight. This build was able to hold 7 bolts before it collapsed showing that the arches did work, though it was to little effect.



The next step was to add a rectangular frame around both arches and attach them to the arches and the base of the structure. This build was able to hold 17 bolts, meaning that it was able to take a lot more stress off the base and spread it across the support structure, which is clearly more effective than it was in the second build.



The final stage of the build involved connecting the two frames together on each side in order to add more support for the bridge. It ended up being able to hold 24 bolts before it collapsed, showing significant improvement from the rest of the designs. Similarly to the other designs, the reason for it being able to hold more weight was the fact that it had more support taking stress away from the base of the bridge.