
The redbot is powered by an Arduino with three sensors facing the floor. The robot is programmed to follow a line on the floor, and when the robot deviates from the line, it will sense it and try to re-find the line.


The redbot is coded to follow the black line on the floor. At first, it was not sensing the black line very well due to a fault in the code, but after some changes, the code was fixed, and the robot ran the track very well. We moved on to the proximity sensors, which were easier to code, and when the robot runs into an obstacle, it backs off and changes course. 

Redbot Code:

RedBot Code.pdf

Arduino Starter Kit:

Arduino Starter Kit robot built to forward group members' understanding of the Arduino. When the proximity sensor detects an obstacle in front, the robot will then turn and continue.


The original tracked robot kit had a gearbox that only allowed the robot to move forward and backward. We were given a different gearbox to put inside the tracked robot, so now each side is independent from the other, giving the robot the ability to turn. One issue with our gearbox. One motor has a bigger gear than the other. The small one has a problem gripping the gears in the gearbox itself, which either makes the track move slower or doesn't move at all because it slips. 

Tracked Vehicle Code:

Tamiya Tracked Vehicle.pdf

Tracked Robot:
