Logic Gate Diagram / Planning:

Planning for a logic gate circuit includes two OR gates and one AND gate. 4 Switches are attached, segregated into 2 per OR gate, that will relay either a 1 or a 0, corresponding to if the student took the SAT or ACT or both, and if the Student took GEO or Psychology or both. At least one switch needs to be flicked to send an output 1 signal through the OR gate. If both OR gates produce a 1, then the AND gate will also output a 1. 

Logic Gate Build:

Everything was assembled the same as in the diagram and plan. When we tested it, all the switches were off, but the LED still lit up. We tried other permutations, but none worked. We then changed to buttons, which went a bit better but still didn't work. As long as one button was pressed (not one connected to each logic gate), the LED lit up, which is not supposed to happen. We came to the conclusion that either the breadboard was faulty or one of the logic gates was fried since we followed the simulated circuit plans.

We created a circuit diagram showing the logic behind a circuit that would light up an LED under certain conditions (if the student took the SAT or ACT and takes Geography or Psychology). 

Once we completed the logic for the circuit and drew the diagram on Circuit Lab, we created the circuit to test it. We used four single-pull double-throw switches, an 'and' gate, an 'or' gate, as well as an LED, which we connected on a breadboard. Once given power, the light only lit up when the conditions were met, proving the logic to be correct.