Classroom Technology Rules
Do we really need technology in the classroom?
Today when we think of technology, we think of the internet, iPads, and laptop; however, technology is any tool that we use to make our jobs easier. Schools have a long history of using "new" technology to engage and teach our students. Here is a look at some of the different types of technology that have been implemented throughout education.
We can use technology to create online learning environments. An online learning environment allows students a centralized place to organize and store their classwork. The following article from the Association for Middle Levels goes into more depth about online learning environments and offers several examples to use in your own classroom. AMLE - Creating Online Learning Environments
Now that we know the benefits of technology, why do we need rules governing the use of technology?
A safe learning environment is critical to the success of our students. One aspect of creating a welcoming and safe classroom environment is how we structure our class. Clear, concise, and consistent rules are one way to help foster a stable and structured classroom. For more information about the importance of structure in the classroom, please read the following article by Dru Tomlin AMLE - The Importance of Classroom Structure
Students need rules governing their internet usage. The internet allows students to do things that would have been unimaginable even a decade ago; yet, the internet can also be a dangerous place for our students. Creating rules for using technology can be challenging because of the pace of change, innovation, and implementation. LeeAnn Lindsey from the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) explains some of the challenges of implementing technology and creating rules for its use.
Examples of technology rules for your classroom.
Creating effective classroom rules is essential for classroom management and managing expectations for how students interact with technology. A good guide that includes additional resources on how to develop and establish rules can be found at The National Education Association.
Rules for Internet Usage
Example: My personal rules "cheat sheet" that I show my students.
General Rules for Labs
Ultimate Goal
The ultimate goal of technology in the classroom is to provide engaging and authentic lessons for our students. Who knows maybe one day this classroom of the future will become a reality.
It is our responsibility to model to our students how to safely and appropriately engage with technology. Remember that as the teacher, you are the authority in the classroom. It is up to you to set the rules, explain the expectations, and enforce the rules to make sure your students stay safe while in your care.