Journal Article

Journal Article

You must submit your final design report to an eprint server called engrXiv - pronounced "engineering archive."  engrXiv is a platform for engineers and engineering researchers to upload working papers, pre-prints, published papers, data, and code. engrXiv is a repository of open access articles which means that your research will be  publicly available for free after it is published on the site. Anybody who helped you develop your design (eg. clinical mentor, engineering advisor, etc) can be listed as a co-author of the published article. Make sure to ask permission of each co-author before you cite them as a co-author. Also, allow every co-author to review the document before it is published. 

engrXiv can host academic research at a number of stages in the research process: 

There are several benefits of publishing your work through engrXiv:

Note of Caution: After your work is published through engrXiv, it will become permanent, publicly searchable, and available online. Other researchers will be able to replicate your work and review your findings. Therefore, if any falsified information or testing results is published on the site, and this falsified information is discovered, then you and your co-authors reputations could be tarnished, and your professional careers could be jeopardized. 

After you have submitted your document on engrXiv, provide the URL to the submitted paper or provide the DOI in the space below.