The Cathedral of Lausanne

OPUS 120 C.B. Fisk, Gloucester, USA

Since the installation of the new 5 manual organ in the 12th Century Cathedral of Lausanne, I have played a small part in the maintenance because of my knowledge of both electronics and organ building and my ability to speak both French and English.

The general tuning is the responsibility of St. Martin Organ Builders based in Neuchatel.

The company who supplied the electronic communication system that enables the organ to be played from a mobile console placed almost anywhere in the Nave is SSOS from Suffolk in the UK.

Recently the long copper wire cables have been replaced with optical fibre to avoid interference from the high current electrical equipment in the building.

The echo organ has also been installed (2015-16) and produces a fine full Swell to accompany choirs at the crossing. Well at least once a year when the Anglicans are graciously allowed to hold a Choral Evensong in the Cathedral.

Work carried out:

  • Fault tracing in the electronic control allowing the mobile console to communicate with the organ mechanism in the gallery. Most faults were caused by induced voltages as a direct result of the local electricians having ignored Fisk's request to not route the data cables next to any other electrical cables. However, as Fisk were not told of the electrician's decision, it took many years to find out as access to the cable ducts was denied! It was only when we finally decided to replace the copper wiring with optical fibre that the original error was discovered.
  • Adjusting couplers and tracker connections to the pallets to stop 2 ciphers - remarkably few considering that the organ has around 7000 pipes and is heated to 18°C all the time.
  • Upgrading eprom and processor units.
  • Fitting and testing a new Swell door motor from Laukhuff.
  • Resoldering one or two dry joints on circuits causing intermittent faults.
  • Replacing console lights.