
For updated list go to Google Scholar 


  Trabattoni, A., Biagioli, F., Strumia, C., van den Ende, M., Scotto di Uccio, F., Festa, G., Rivet, D., Sladen, A., Ampuero, J.-P., Metaxian, J.-P., Stutzmann, E., Using deformation to recover displacement with Distributed Acoustic Sensing, submitted to Geophysical Journal International 

Quiñones, J. P., Sladen, A., Ponte, A., Lior, I., Ampuero, J. P., Rivet, D., ... & Coyle, P. (2022). High resolution seafloor thermometry and internal wave monitoring using Distributed Acoustic Sensing. submitted to Scientific Repport


32. Flores, D. M., Mercerat, E. D., Ampuero, J. P., Rivet, D., & Sladen, A. (2022). Identification of two vibration regimes of underwater fibre optic cables by Distributed Acoustic Sensing. Geophysical Journal International 234 (2), 1389-1400

 31. Flores, D. M., Sladen, A., Ampuero, J. P., Mercerat, E. D., & Rivet, D. (2022). Monitoring Deep Sea Currents with Seafloor Distributed Acoustic Sensing. Earth and Space Science 10 (6), e2022EA002723

30. Lior, I., Rivet, D., Ampuero, J.-P., Sladen, A., Barrientos , S.,  Sánchez-Olavarría, R. , Villarroel Opazo, G. , Bustamente Prado, J., Magnitude estimation and ground motion prediction to harness fiber optic distributed acoustic sensing for earthquake early warning. Sci Rep 13, 424 (2023).


29. G Guerin, D Rivet, M P A van den Ende, E Stutzmann, A Sladen, J-P Ampuero, Quantifying microseismic noise generation from coastal reflection of gravity waves recorded by seafloor DAS, Geophysical Journal International, 2022;, ggac200,

28. Chmiel, Małgorzata, et al. "Brief communication: Seismological analysis of flood dynamics and hydrologically triggered earthquake swarms associated with Storm Alex." Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 22.5 (2022): 1541-1558.

27. Lior, I., Mercerat, E. D., Rivet, D., Sladen, A., & Ampuero, J. P. (2022). Imaging an Underwater Basin and its Resonance Modes using Optical Fiber Distributed Acoustic Sensing. Seismological Society of America, 93(3), 1573-1584.


26. Guerin, G., Mordret, A., Rivet, D., Lipovsky, B. P., & Minchew, B. M. (2021). Frictional origin of slip events of the Whillans Ice Stream, Antarctica. Geophysical Research Letters, e2021GL092950.0

25. Lior, I., Sladen, A., Mercerat, D., Ampuero, J.-P. Rivet,D., Sambolian, S., Strain to Ground Motion Conversion of DAS Data for Earthquake Magnitude and Stress Drop Determination, Submitted to Solid Earth.

24. Larroque, C., Baize, S., Albaric, J., Jomard, H. Trévisan, J., Godano, M., Cushing, M. ,Deschamps, A.,  Sue, C., Delouis, B., Potin, B. ,Courboulex, F. , Régnier, M., Rivet, D., Seismotectonic of the South-East France : from the Jura mountains to Corsica, Comptes Rendus. Géoscience

23. D. Rivet, B. de Cacqueray, A. Sladen, A. Roques, G. Calibri, Maritime vessels detection and tracking from Distributed Acoustic Sensing on optical fiber telecom cable, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 149 (4), 2615-2627,

22. Péquegnat C., Schaeffer, J., Satriano C., ... D. Rivet, ....  Résif-SI: a distributed information system for French seismological data, SRL, DOI:10.1785/0220200392

21. Itzhak Lior, Anthony Sladen, Diane Rivet, Jean-Paul Ampuero, Yann Hello, Patrick Lamare, Camille Jestin, Stavroula Tsagkli and Christos Markou. On the Detection Capabilities of Underwater DAS, JGR-Solid Earth, DOI:10.1029/2020JB020925


20. Cheze, J.,  C.Maron , D. Rivet, F. Peix, D. Brunel, X. Martin, B. Delouis,  METEOR : Online seismic metadata builder, accepted, SRL

19. Cornou, C., Ampuero, J. P., Aubert, C., Audin, L., Baize, S., Billant, J., ... D.Rivet... & de Michele, M. (2020). Rapid response to the M_w 4.9 earthquake of November 11, 2019 in Le Teil, Lower Rhône Valley, France, Comptes Rendus. Géoscience, 353(S1), 1-23


18. Sladen, A., Rivet, D., Ampuero, J. P., Hello, Y., Calbris, G., & Lamare, P. (2019). Distributed sensing of earthquakes and ocean-solid Earth interactions on seafloor telecom cables, Nature Communications 10 (1), 1-8

17.  Guerin, G., Rivet, D., Deschamps, A., Larroque, C., Mordret., A., Dessa, J.-X., Martin, X. (2019) High resolution ambient noise tomography of the South-Western Alps and the Ligurian margin, submitted to Geophysical Journal International, 220 (2), 806-820

16. Courboulex, F., Mercerat, D., Deschamps, A., Migeon, S. Baques, M., Larroque, C., Rivet D., Hello, Y., (2019)Strong Offshore Site Effect Revealed by a New Broad-band Seismometer of the Continental Shelf offshore the Nice Airport (South-east of France), Pure and Applied Geophysics, 1-20

15. Hello, Y. Royer, J-Y, Rivet, D., Charvis, P., Yegikyan, M., Philippe, 0., (2019) New versatile autonomous platforms for long-term geophysical monitoring in the ocean, IEEE OCEANS 2019, 1-8


14. De Barros, L., Guglielmi, Y., Rivet, D., Cappa, F., & Duboeuf, L. (2018). Seismicity and fault aseismic deformation caused by fluid injection in decametric in-situ experiments. Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 350(8), 464-475.


13. Giannopoulos, D., Rivet, D., Deschamps, A., Mordret. A., Sokos, T., Lyon-Caen, H. (2018) Rayleigh wave tomography of the Corinthe Rift from ambient noise correlation. Geophysical  Journal International, 211 (1), 284-299


12Rivet, D., De Barros, L., Guglielmi, Y., Castilla, R. and Cappa, F., (2016) Seimic velocity changes associated with aseismic deformations of a fault stimulated by fluid injection, Geophysical Research Letter 43 (18), 9563-9572

11.  De Barros, L., Daniel, G., Guglielmi, Y., Rivet, D., Caron, H., Gout, C., Bergery, G. and Henry, P. (2016) Lithology, stress or pressure control of the seismicity in shale? Insights from a controlled experiment of fluid-induced fault reactivation, Journal of Geophysical Research 121(6) 4506–4522

10.  Brenguier, F., Rivet, D., Obermann, A., Nakata, N., Boué, P., Lecocq, T., Campillo, M., Shapiro, N., 4-D Noise-Based Seismology at Volcanoes: Ongoing Efforts and Perspectives, Journal of Volcano and Geothermal Research, 321, 182-195


9Rivet, D., Brenguier, F. and Cappa, F., Improved detection of preeruptive seismic velocity drops at the Piton de la Fournaise volcano, Geophysical Research Letters, 42(15), 6332-6339, 2015, doi:10.1002/2015GL06483

8Rivet, D., Campillo, M., Sanchez-Sesma, F., Shapiro, N.M., and Singh, S.K., (2015) Identification of surface wave higher modes using a methodology based on seismic noise and coda waves, Geophysical Journal International, In press, doi : 10.1093/gji/ggv339

7.  Savage, M., Ferrazzini, V., Peltier, A., Rivemale, E., Mayor, J., Schmid, A., Brenguier, F., Massin, F., Got, J.L., Battaglia, J., Di Muro, A., Staudacher, T., Rivet, D., Taisne, B. and Shelley, A. (2015), Seismic anisotropy and its precursory change before eruptions at Piton de la Fournaise volcano, La Réunion, Journal of Geophysical Research, 120, 3430-3458, doi:10.1002/2014JB011665

6.  Mordret, A., Rivet, D., Landès, M. and Shapiro, N.M. (2015), Three-dimensional shear velocity anisotropic model of Piton de la Fournaise Volcano (La Réunion Island) from ambient seismic noises, Journal of Geophysical Research Solid Earth, 120n 406-427, doi:10.1002/2014JB011654


5Rivet, D., Brenguier, F., Clarke, D., Shapiro, N.M., and Peltier, A. (2014), Long-term dynamics of Piton de la Fournaise volcano from 13 years of seismic velocity change measurements and GPS observations, Journal of Geophysical Research Solid Earth, 119, 7654-7666, doi:10.1002/2014JB011307

4.  Hibert, C., Mangeney, A., Grandjean, G., Baillard, C., Rivet, D., Shapiro, N. M., Satriano, C., Maggi, A., Boissier, P., Ferrazzini, V. and Crawford, W. (2014) Automated identification, location, and volume estimation of rockfalls at Piton de la Fournaise volcan, Journal of Geophysical Research Solid Earth, 119, 1082-1105, doi:10.1002/2013JF002960

3.  Rivet, D., Campillo, M., Radiguet, M., Zigone, D., Cruz-Atienza, V., Shapiro, N.M., Kostoglodov. V. , Cotte, N., Cougoulat, G., Walpersdorf, A and Daub, E. (2014), Seismic velocity changes, strain rate and non-volcanic tremors during the 2009-2010 slow slip event in Guerrero, Mexico, Geophysical Journal International, 196, 447-460, doi:10.1093/gji/gtt374


2.  Zigone, D., Rivet, D., Radiguet, M., Campillo, M., Voisin, C., Cotte, N., Walpersdorf, A., Shapiro, N., Cougoulat, G., Roux, P., Kostoglodov, V., Husker, A. and Payero, J.S. (2012), Triggering of Tremors and Slow Slip event in Guerrero (Mexico) by the 2010 Mw 8.8 Maule, Chile, Earthquake. Journal of Geophysical Research,117, B09304, 2012, doi:10.1029/2012JB009160


1Rivet, D., Campillo, M., Shapiro, N. M., Cruz-Atienza, V., Radiguet, M., Cotte, N. and Kostoglodov, V. (2011), Seismic evidence of nonlinear crustal deformation during a large slow slip event in Mexico, Geophysical Research Letters, 38, L08308, 2011, doi:10.1029/2011GL047151