
As Principal Investigator

2021 Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur & Université Nice Côte d'Azur IDEX : 36keuros

Proyecto de Observacion Submarina de Terremotos (POST)

Pilot experiment for monitoring seismicity offshore central Chile for a month - november 2021 - using submarine telecom cable of the GTD company with the support of CSN, ONEMI and SHOA.

2020 BQR Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur : 4keuros

Fast or slow sliding of faults: elucidate the causes that control the rupture speed and identify the seismological markers.

Missions between parteners for the Machine Learning component of the project

2019 Crédits Scientifiques Incitatifs (CSI) Université Nice Sophia Antipolis : 13keuros

Improved detection of slow slip, precursors of seismic rupture, thanks to seismic waves.

Scholarship and research stay funding of a student I supervised at MIT (Boston)

2019 Actions sur projets CNRS INSU TelluS : 6keuros

Improved detection of slow slip, precursors of seismic rupture, thanks to seismic waves

As Task Manager

2019-2023 ANR Natural hazard monitoring using Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) Monidas, PI : O. Coutant (ISTERRE)

WP2.2 Seismological hazards and WP4 Processing strain rate data Manager

2018-2022 ANR SEA-bottom Fiber-Optic Observatory for Distributed measurements Seafood, PI : A. Sladen (Géoazur)

WP1 Distributed Acoustic Sensing - Passive seismics Manager


2019-2023 ANR Ionospheric Total Electron Content tsunameter – ITEC, PI: L. Rolland (Geoazur) : Summury

2018-2021 UCA-IDEX Nautilus PI: Audrey Galve (Géoazur)

2018-2021 UCA-IDEX Physics of earthquake rupture and fault growth: multi-scale modeling of material failure PI : JP Ampuero (Géoazur)

PhD and Posdoctoral Grants

2020-2023 PhD grant

contrat with industrial partern Thales DMS- 3 years grant + 30keuros - Lucas Papotto

2020-2021 UCA Postdoctoral funding

Fibearth - Fiber optic cables for Earthquake Research - 18 months contrat- Itzhak Lior