Diane Rivet

Seismologist Associate Professor - Head of OCA Seismological Observatory

Géoazur - Observatoire de la Côté d'Azur - Univ. Côte d'Azur

250 rue Albert Einstein, 06560 Valbonne, France


Recent Highlights

ERC starting grant ABYSS

Starting in October 2022 ABYSS project will open the way for Monitoring giant subduction faults using distributed acoustic measurements on the seafloor.

Read more here

POST project for submarine monitoring of earthquake in central Chile - PI D. Rivet

This is a pilot experiment for monitoring seismicity offshore central Chile for a month - november 2021 - using submarine telecom cable of the GTD telecom company with the support of CSN, ONEMI and SHOA, the national institutions involved in the seismic risk reduction.

more here

a selection of media coverage:

Transmedia / proyecto usara cable de fibra optica de GTD como sensores para detectar sismos en Chile

Universidad del Chili / Proyecto utilizará cable de fibra óptica submarina para detectar sismos

CHV noticiera / Innovador proyecto busca detectar terremotos a través de un cable submarino en Chile

A new methodology to assess underwater noise

We evaluate the potential of Distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) for monitoring underwater noise, detecting the noise emitted by a cargo ship sailing over a 41.5 km long cable off Toulon.


Press coverage and Interviews:

France 3 / Des chercheurs étudient le bruit généré par le trafic maritime avec des cables de fibre optique

Marine Technology Reporter, March - April 2021 Issue / Mining an Ocean of Data, the fiber optic connection

Techno-Science / nouvelle-methode-evaluer-bruit

Distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) on underwater telecommunication cables.

The use of DAS for seismology has had a lot of media coverage. Here is a non-exhaustive list of interviews and articles for the general public published in the press.


Radio et Télévision Suisse RTS : émission de vulgarisation scientifique CQFD reportage réalisé par Adrien Zerbini, intitulé "Nouveaux capteurs sismiques".

Press Interviews:

La Recherche / Les câbles sous marins : nouvel outil pour les sismologues

Les Echos / Comment les câbles sous-marins détectent les séismes

Les Echos / Chut ! La fibre optique nous écoute

La Provence / Des câbles sous-marins pour prévenir les séismes ?

Le Figaro / Vagues et séismes font «trembler» les fibres optiques

20 minutes / Paca : Des câbles sous-marins pourraient révolutionner les mesures sismiques

Sciences et Avenir / Comment les câbles de télécommunications sous-marins pourraient devenir le plus vaste réseau de capteurs sismiques

Echo Sciences Paca / Les câbles sous-marins : des milliards de capteurs sismiques potentiels !

Le Blob / Les câbles de télécoms bientôt reconvertis en capteurs sismo-acoustiques ?

Clubic / Séismes : les câbles sous-marins rendent possible la détection des tremblements de terre

Post-seismic intervention following the destructive Mw=6 earthquake in the Teil, Ardèche, France, November 11, 2019.

My colleague Anne Deschamps (DR emeritus CNRS Geoazur) and I deployed seismological sensors in the village of Le Teil, the epicenter of the earthquake, and in the surrounding area to measure aftershocks only few hours after the main shock.

Report on the field the day after the Teil earthquake

tv and radio interview : France Bleu Drome Ardèche (radio and video online) / Scientists study the Teil earthquake in Ardèche

France Inter / Scientists study the Teil earthquake in Ardèche interview with D.Rivet,

A few days later, with colleagues Anthony Sladen, Jean-Paul Ampero and students, we measured the ground mouvment during the post-seismic period on a fiber optic cable of the Drome Ardèche telecom network for about ten days.

Newsletter RESIF January 2020 / Mobilization of the community Reactive following the November earthquakes in the Drôme and Ardèche.

Research topics

Working in the Earthquake Team in Géoazur, the research I have conducted over the last years concerns three themes

(1) the nature and mechanisms of crustal deformations associated with active faults and other geological structures (e.g. volcanic edifice, karst) over short time-scale

(2) seismic imaging at the crustal scale, and more recently,

(3) the study of seismic and acoustic waves at the ocean floor for the study of seismicity, ocean-solid earth interactions, and anthropogenic noise.


My research work is based on a strong expertise in the field of seismological observation. Thus, my research themes implement different observation and analysis methods such as Passive Seismic Imaging (ambient noise cross- correlation),Temporal variations in seismic wave velocities and Distributed acoustic sensing of seismic wave field.