
Seismological observations - Regional and national scales

Head of the seismological observatory since 2017 : (5 fulltime-and decicated engeniers), we maintain 42 permanent stations of the metropolitain seismological network RESIF located in South East France and Corse.

Member of RESIF, we also contribute to this large scientific facility trough

  • the supervision of more than 200 seismic stations

  • metadata building of more than 200 seismic stations

  • Maintaining and real-time distribution of the 42 regional seismic stations.

We participate to the Tsunami eartly warning system in France CENALT by maintaining some critical broad band station continuously working.

Regional seismicity and activities are publicaly availlable.

Permanent marine seismological instrumentation

I am involved in EMSO and participate in the development of a broadband underwater seismological instrumentation such as long-term seabed seismometer (MUG-OBS) or by Wired OBS (Antares OBS off Toulon and Prima OBS on the slope of Nice airport).