Initial reflection 2


  • Where do you think you have exhibited your personal strengths in this class?

I think I have exhibited my personal strengths by sharing my thoughts when it is being asked for opinions. Along with my notes and personal website.

  • Where do you think you are weakest?

I think I am the weakest when having group teaching, only because when we are a team hold each other accountable which makes it harder to showcase our own personal opinions and ideas. Now it is much more difficult to share each other's personalities


  • When you look back at the goals you set for yourself at the beginning, how do you feel you are coming on them?

I do feel like the goals I have set in the beginning are coming along, even when I do sometimes fall behind I am trying my best to finish it all and stay on track!

    • How often have you been present in class? How focused on what is happening in class have you consistently been?

I have missed 2 class sessions because of a job interview, and a family emergency. On the days that I am in class, everything is exactly how I expect a class to be run.

    • How many hours a week do you typically spend on this class? When thinking about your progress in this class, do you feel it is enough?

I do try to spend as much as I can( 2 1/2-3 hrs ) and share that across with my other classes as well as the gym, work, and chores!

  • Looking at your work in this class, what letter grade would you give yourself?

With the few missing assignments,( I believe I have 2/3) I would say an A- (93%), but by the end of the semester, I shall complete everything and end with 100%, because I know it is possible.

  • Now that you have had a chance to contemplate your focus, time, and performance in this class, is there anything that you are planning to change for the rest of the semester?

I am not sure what I would change as of right now but I think I am focused on the class and performing pretty well.


  • How do you feel your comfort level with teaching earth science has been impacted by class so far?

The comfort of teaching earth science has been impacted so much! When starting this class I was a bit nervous knowing we had to present.

  • How do you feel about your e-portfolio and what you've built there so far?

Honestly, I have been loving my e-portfolio and everything that I have made so far. It is all coming along, I try to get as much outside criticism to help maintain it.


  • Is there anything else you would like to share regarding how you feel things are going at this point in the class?

Everything is going great at this point in the class.