
What is Pedagogy?

Whereas curriculum is the “what” of teaching, pedagogy is the “how.” Pedagogy is the practice of teaching and working with students towards a desired end. That end includes the desired results of curricular units and a class in all. Pedagogy develops and strengthens with practice and, much like curriculum, collaboration with fellow educators and students.

This section details my stance on pedagogy as one of the most challenging and intricate aspects of teaching. There is no correct way to teach, and in fact there are pieces of a plethora of pedagogical theories on which I base my practice and thinking. Readers should take away that pedagogies are defined by the entire makeup of a class: the teacher of course, but also the students, the physical space, the tools utilized, and the methods practiced. Together, these elements come together to give a class its shape and efficacy, and they are continuously works in progress. My continuing work as a student teacher will lend to my abilities to craft a personalized pedagogy that may be adapted for an array of classes and students.