About This Book

DEVELOPING DALEY takes a deep dive into Dr Daley's Last Trick, exploring several approaches to the impossible transposition of the red and black Aces. The book also discusses ways in which the effect can be strengthened through the use of additional props, odd-backed playing cards, blank-faced playing cards and kicker transformations. It also includes information on the history of the trick, popular handlings of the plot, and multiple variations that add extra moments of magic to the proceedings.

With over fifty variations of this classic of card magic at your fingertips, you'll surely find at least one trick you like well enough to perform!

This web version of Developing Daley has been created for readers of my blog and subscribers to my monthly Ruseletter. I'll release a chapter or two each month to keep me motivated to finish writing the book. By serialising the text this way, I'll break down the daunting task of writing the entire book into smaller, more manageable chunks. Once the book is finished, the aim is to get it printed or released as a stand-alone ebook. The web version will stay here as a permanent resource for subscribers to enjoy.

Note: This book is a work in progress; the content might change after it is first published. If you have any thoughts or suggestions about the content, please email me using the online contact form on my blog.

Want more magic? Subscribe to my monthly Ruseletter on Substack. I share unpublished magic tricks with cards, coins and everyday objects.