
Recent Events

Izaak Walton League adopts new logo at national meeting, celebrates 100 years.

In addition to Save Our Streams and other efforts, Ikes focus on salt runoff in watersheds. Our chapter has expressed interest in pursuing this research.

Des Plaines IWLA chapter welcomes Northbrook members.

The Northbrook chapter of the Izaak Walton League of American has merged into the Des Plaines chapter, bringing with it an infusion of membership and additional resources to one of the oldest Ikes chapters in the nation.

RIVERBANK CLEAN-UP 2022 was a big success!

Big year for columbine!

Bee balm is thriving!

Flowers surround the Ikes' clubhouse.

Other News


We are happy to announce that we now have a beekeeper! Watch this space for more news! They provide delicious honey and they sure are great for the environment!

Our hives look like the one shown on the left.


Every year the scilla tells us that spring has arrived by turning the lawn and surrounding forest floor a beautiful sky blue.


Our chapter located a large stand of Jack-in-the-Pulpit in the woods on our grounds. It was fenced off so no one would damage the plants and they could go to seed. Started back in 2015, it has spread and shows up in other locations in the woods.

Prairie Restoration

The Prairie restoration project on the north end of the property is doing well. We have actively been removing any Buckthorn that sneaks into the area. Once the grasses take hold the heavy sod will hopefully keep out the invasive plants.