About Us

The Izaak Walton clubhouse, formerly the Jefferson homestead, is one of the oldest standing structures in Des Plaines. It was built in the 1850's by Hiram Jefferson who came from Vermont with his family and settled here along the Des Plaines River in 1835. The Jefferson family maintained a large dairy farm on the property until the early 1900's. The building and property was acquired by the Cook County Forest Preserve in 1918. In 1926 the Des Plaines Chapter was formed in Chicago, IL and in 1929 the Forest Preserve District granted the Des Plaines Chapter use of the building and grounds. We have been located here continuously since, maintaining the building and property entirely at our own expense.

The Des Plaines Chapter is a 501C3 tax exempt organization dedicated to the protection and restoration of America's soil, woods, waters, air and wildlife. All of our funding comes from donations and contributions through activities and events and from people like you.

Please contact us at desplainesiwla@gmail.com or check our Programs page for upcoming events. If you value the outdoors; the beauty of nature, enjoy fishing, hunting, camping, scouting and outdoor recreation; If you are concerned about a clean water, clear air and a healthy environment for future generations, please consider becoming a member of the Izaak Walton League of America.

The future of conservation is YOU.

The Izaak Walton League's Des Plaines Chapter has stood the test of time. From our first local effort in 1929, which was organizing a bird-feeding campaign during the winter, the Des Plaines Chapter has worked to create public awareness about the importance of clean water and air, the abundance of wildlife, and a clean environment for all who share our planet.