Members' Corner

There's been a request for a place for members to look for club information, including drafts of minutes and information to help prepare for upcoming events.  Let's try to do that in this spot.



Proposed website sample:  Here's a link to the sample website Cindy provided to the club:  .  At the 12/1 meeting Jen presented on the current website and its features and Cindy presented on the proposed update and its expanded capacities.  

Our October social meeting (10/20/2022) will  be around our campfire.  Be sure to plan on coming and bring a chair! Many thanks to Carol for putting this together.

MEATBALL MAKING:  Saturday, February 11, 2023, 9:00 am - Come to make the meatballs for the Game Dinner!

THANKS to Penny and all her helpers who put together the annual Rummage Sale -- waiting for the final numbers, but looks like the chapter made several hundred dollars!

THANKS to the crew who made the Pig Roast a big success, raising $2200 for the chapter's efforts!

There's been a request for information about I bonds as a potential investment for some of the club's assets.  Here is a helpful link:

Also there was a request for more information about the Back 40 mine  and its implications for the environment.  There will be a speaker on this subject at the October business meeting, October  6th at 6:30 pm.  Here's some information about the issue: from the Fox Valley Wisconsin chapter of the Sierra Club:

New officers have been elected and will be sworn in at the September meeting:

President:  Joe Hyland

1st VP:  Joe Gallo

2nd VP:  Jake Jacobson

Treasurer:  Mike Charewicz

Membership:  Tom Christiansen

Tom Z will continue to serve as secretary.

A Big THANK YOU to our outgoing officers, President Don Rosedale and Treasurer Mark Dwiel!


Mike Conlon

Joe Gallo


Chad Birney