Why I'm Running

Why Am I Running for House of Delegates?

  • To provide a voice to educators, service personnel, students and families
  • To help people stay in our state
  • Fight for fair wages, affordable access to healthcare, and safe, practical working conditions
  • To make sure working West Virginians have the same voice that the wealthy Good Ol’ Boys do.

West Virginians have been sold out by politicians of both parties. They don’t care about us. They side with wealth, out-of-staters who only exploit West Virginian for its natural resources and people. When there is a need to fix our roads or improve our education system, politicians say there is no money. When the wealthy donors complain about paying taxes (less taxes than you and I pay every year), politicians work like hell to give them a tax cut.

It doesn’t have to be this way. This is the most prosperous time in our state’s history. We can fix our roads, improve our schools, and give our citizens the ability to live with dignity.

Together, we can make West Virginia better. Are you in?