How to Sign Up for Ministries

Deacons are asked to sign up at least 7 times every 6 months.  There are 259 "on-going" ministry spots to fill every 6 months.  We have 37 deacons, so if we all take 7 spots, we spread the love evenly!  Ideally, each deacon will sign up for at least one spot per "on-going" ministry every 6 months. 

Sign Up Genius is the formal, official record of assignments.  Yolanda Bragg monitors the Sign Up Genius links.  These sign ups will be opened every 6 months, with a focus on filling each spot every 3 months.

If you are unable to fulfill your assignment, and have arranged other coverage, please send an email to the Moderator to let them know of the change.  Please delete your name on the SignUp Genius and have your replacement sign up, so that Yolanda knows who is covering.


If you are unable to fulfill your assignment and need help finding someone to cover it, please send an email to all Deacons requesting help.  Once someone has volunteered to help, please be sure that they sign up on the SignUp Genius link, so that Yolanda knows who is covering.


If you have an emergency and cannot fulfill your assignment, please send an email or phone call  to the Moderator and we will help you to arrange coverage.