
ACEs :: Suicide Prevention/Postvention :: Youth Mental Health First Aid :: Crisis Prevention Institute (CPI) Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports

*New* Leadership Academy Slides:

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) and Toxic Stress Mitigation

What: "'Adverse childhood experience' means a potentially traumatic event occurring in childhood that can have negative, lasting effects on an individual’s health and well-being" (Senate File 2113).

Training objectives:

  • Develop a comprehensive understanding of ACEs and toxic stress

  • Develop a working understanding of how stress impacts the brain and development and learn how these developmental challenges affect a classroom

  • Learn how suicide and stress are intertwined

  • Learn about the importance of resilience

  • Explore examples of strategies to develop resilience in school settings

Who: Required for all staff working in school buildings except Food Service and Custodians. Recommended but not required for Food Service and Custodians. (See Senate File 2113 for more details).

When: Annually between July 1st and June 30th.

How: At a minimum each building should provide a minimum of a 60 minute training. The 2020 school year we have contracted with the Child Abuse Council to provide this training virtually. To schedule your training please contact Paula Vandervelde at Additionally, each building has a staff member trained to serve as the point of contact. See this list for building points of contact: ACES Training Points of Contact.

If a staff member is absent on the day of the training they can also meet this requirement by completing the AEA online course, Adverse Childhood Experiences: From Toxic Environmental Stress to Success. This if found at the AEA Online Learning Site.

In order to document training completion, each participant must complete this form:

ACEs Training Completion Form

If you have questions please contact Jake Klipsch at

Trauma Informed Practices

While the ACEs and Toxic Stress Mitigation training described above meets the minimum training requirement required by law, there are other more intensive trainings available as well that also meet the state requirements. These opportunities are available through the Quad Cities Area Trauma Informed Consortium. The course catalog for available trainings can be found here.

If your building is interested in pursuing one of these training or taking steps toward creating a more trauma informed school, please contact Jake Klipsch ( to discuss opportunities and to make arrangements.

Suicide Prevention and Postvention

What: Training objectives:

  • Know and understand general information on the prevalence of suicide. (prevention)

  • Understand the risk factors, warning signs, and protective factors related to suicide. (prevention)

  • Know how to interact with students who might be experiencing suicidal thoughts and make a referral to school or community-based mental health providers. (prevention)

  • Understand the impact of suicide and how to respond after a suicide event has happened. (postvention)

Who: Required for all staff working in school buildings except Food Service and Custodians. Recommended but not required for Food Service and Custodians. (See Senate File 2113 for more details).

When: Annually between July 1st and June 30th.

How: To meet this requirement staff can complete the AEA online course, Suicide Prevention and Postvention. (NOTE: There is an AEA course with a similar title called Suicide Postvention, but that course DOES NOT meet this requirement.) This if found at the AEA Online Learning Site.

Another option to meet this training requirement is for one person, typically a counselor or administrator, to complete the online module independently and then review the course content with a large group. This allows for time for discussion and sharing.

While the AEA online course meets the minimum requirement, the Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA) Training (described below) is the gold standard training to meet this requirement. If you choose to take the YMHFA training you DO NOT also have to take the suicide prevention training in the same year. However, each year you must do one or the other.

In order to document training completion please complete this form: Suicide Prevention Training Completion Form

If you have questions please contact Sarah Brennan at

Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA)

What: "Just as CPR helps you assist an individual having a heart attack, Mental Health First Aid helps you assist someone experiencing a mental health or substance use-related crisis. In the Mental Health First Aid course, you learn risk factors and warning signs for mental health and addiction concerns, strategies for how to help someone in both crisis and non-crisis situations, and where to turn for help" (

This course meets the Suicide Prevention and Postvention training requirement (described above) for the year that you take the course. (You do not have to take this AND Suicide Prevention and Postvention in the same year).

Who: Any adult 18 or older in your school community (e.g. any school staff, parent groups, community partners, students 18 and older). Required for all counselors and social workers every three years. Highly recommended but not required for everyone else.

How: Online, self-paced platform, that you can be paid to complete off contract time*! The first session is taught through a 2-hour, self-paced, online course (async), and the second session is held online for 4.5 hours and led by an Instructor.

*Paid spots will be filled on a first come first serve basis due to a limited budget. When registering, staff with daily student interactions will take precedence over those with more limited student interactions.

When: As described above, registered participants will receive a link to a 2-hour online module to be completed before the live, online session. The dates and times below are the live sessions only:

  • TBD for 2021-2022 School Year.

Youth Mental Health First Aid District Flyer (updated 12/21/2020)

To register, request additional information, or if you have questions please email Sarah Brennan at

In order to document training completion please complete this form: Youth Mental Health First Aid Training Completion Form

Crisis Prevention Institute (CPI)

What: CPI is the training model that DCSD uses to provide CPI teams with the knowledge and skills to "Recognize the stages of an escalating crisis and evidenced-based techniques to appropriately de-escalate...learn decision-making skills to match the level of the response to the risk of the crisis, focusing on the least-restrictive response to ensure the Care, Welfare, Safety, and Security℠ of those in your care. This includes recognizing the stages of an escalating crisis and learning evidence-based techniques to appropriately de-escalate" (

Who: Only individuals on building level CPI teams will receive this training. For questions about who is on your building team, please speak with your building principal.

How: Due to COVID-19, all CPI Trainings will take place virtually in the 2020-2021 school year. This is a 2 hour training and will focus on de-escalation strategies.

When: Dates linked below. There is not a formal registration process for this.

There will be an electronic sign in sheet when you participate to document your attendance at the training.

Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Training

What: PBIS is Davenport's Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) framework for Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Health (SEBH). It includes training on PBIS for building-wide systems, Tier 1 classroom instruction, interventions for Tiers 2 and 3, as well as a variety of other areas. Comprehensive information and training information about PBIS can be found at this site, which I assume you already know because if you've made it to the bottom of this page then I assume you've been digging around here already and are blown away by how amazing this site is.

Who: This training is for every staff member in our district.

How: PBIS Team training this year will be provided through our District Leadership Academy. Building PBIS teams will bring this training back to their building for implementation.

When: Leadership Academy Dates.