
Participation forms and registration fee

  • in-person: oral presentation and further publication of the paper (including programme of the conference, certificate of participation, coffee-breaks, buffet dinner) – 2000 RUR. (oral presentation only is also possible);

  • virtual: publishing the Proceedings in scholarly journals (shipment of the programme of the conference, certificate of participation, a copy of RSCI Proceedings book) – 500 RUR.; publication in renowned journals indexed in Scopus / Web of Science (shipment of the programme and certificate of participation) – 500 RUR.

Publication forms, deadlines and fee

  • Submission of papers to Conference Proceedings indexed in the Web of Science database (WoS). The papers are written in English – till 1, May 2020 (early preferential submission – till 1, April 2020). Manuscripts are subject to double-blind review. Publication fee – 15 000 (14 200 RUR)

  • Submission of papers to Conference Proceedings indexed in the RSCI. The papers are accepted in Russian. Acceptance after review – till 1, April 2020. Publication fee – 150 RUR / page

  • Submission of papers to MCU Scientific Newsletter included in the list of VAK (Higher Attestation Commission). Вестник МГПУ Manuscripts are subject to double-blind review. The papers are accepted in Russian – till 1, April 2020.

All manuscripts submitted are reviewed.

Please specify the surname, the type of publication and the index of Conference Proceedings (WoS, RSCI or VAK (Higher Attestation Commission)).

The electronic registration form and guidelines for authors are available on the conference website

Travel expenses including food and accommodation are covered by the institutions or at own expense of the participant.

Consent to personal data processing

I, _____________________________________________________

the document type: series:__________ No: _____________ information on the date of the document issue:___________________________________________________ on the authority that issued the document:_________________________________,

hereby grant State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education with the city of Moscow «Moscow City University» (hereinafter referred to as – MCU) in accordance with paragraph 4 of article 9 of Federal law "On personal data", grant my written consent on processing my personal data aimed to ensure the performance of obligations, powers and functions conferred upon the University under the legislation on education in the Russian Federation, labor laws, other laws and regulations, the University Charter, agreements and other transactions, and provide my legitimate rights and interests, as well.

The Personal Data processing content includes any information referring to me as an individual (hereinafter referred to as the Subject), and provided to MCU on signing license agreements as well as commission contracts. The information is relevant for MCU to publish my contributions in the Proceedings to the International scientific and practical conference «Dialogue of cultures. Culture of dialogue: from conflicting to understanding (DCCD’20)», including: my surname, first name, patronymic name, academic degree / title, workplace, e-mail, telephone number.

The processing shall include the following actions (operations) or the set of actions (operations) regarding the Personal Data processing with use of automated means or without such means: collection, recording, ordering, accumulation, storage, adjustment (updating or modifying), dissemination by Internet as well as transference of my personal data to the third parties strictly in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

The Consent is valid indefinitely since it was granted and can be withdrawn by submission a corresponding written in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

I undertake to inform immediately in writing on any changes of the personal data indicated above данных within 5 (five) calendar days after the occurrence of the respective changes.

I assume the responsibility for the accuracy of my personal data.

«______»________________20__г. _________________________

(Date) (Signature )