
Consulting Services

Every semester Western Kentucky University I/O graduate students are enrolled in advanced courses in statistics, personnel selection, performance management, training, and organizational psychology. As part of their graduate training, we invite collaborative projects with local businesses and non-profit organizations. Supervised students will offer free, customized organizational consulting services in exchange for the experience to apply their skills. We can help your business select, train, and engage employees; we can also design custom safety assessments and feedback. Our solutions will be fast, data-driven, and grounded in scientific evidence. If interests, please contact us with any business inquiries or questions.

Example Services

  • Job Analysis and Selection (ex: structured interviews, developing and/or updating job descriptions)

  • Training and Employee Development (ex: conducting a needs analysis; designing training programs and evaluation)

  • Job Evaluation (ex: compensation and promotion)

  • Performance Appraisals

  • Organizational Surveys (ex: engagement, safety climate)