Information for Hosts and Sponsors

Host Organisations

Host organisations provide an innovation space for the Fellows to test out new approaches to complex (wicked) local issues, in order to make a real difference to the quality of local health services. You will have in mind an intractable complex problem (the Fellowship Challenge) where previous attempts to make an improvement haven’t made the difference you had hoped for, or an emerging complex problem where it’s not clear what to do. It will be something where the Fellow can support better outcomes for your local population. 

The key here is that as a host you won’t have the answer up your sleeve, rather you are willing to explore different ways of approaching the problem with your Fellow, and to support the Fellow in testing out new ideas and practices. Fellows could collaborate across a system on a piece of work, as well as working within one organisation. It also means there could be more than one ‘application’.


As part of the application process, we request that the Host Organisation identifies a Sponsor for each Fellow they put forward. This Sponsor, who is a senior clinical leader in the organisation and thus has some jurisdiction over the Fellowship Challenge, provides mentoring, management, and leadership to the Fellow. 

As a Sponsor, your role includes:

Host/ Sponsor Briefing - Zoom

On 18th January 2024, we will be holding an informal briefing - over Zoom - for prospective Host Organisations and Sponsors. In this session, Course Director Tom Holliday will give an overview of the Fellowship and answer any questions that you might have.

Start: 17.30

End: 18.30

Email to register your interest.

Join the call here. Meeting ID: 847 7157 0767.